The Gift of Gab Blog

what is functional communication

What is Functional Communication?

Have you ever wondered “What is functional communication?” SLP’s (such as myself) throw that word “functional” around a lot. It is an important word, so I want to take a minute today and make sure that you are really understanding what it means.

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fall themed speech therapy articulation activities

Fall-Themed Articulation Reading Passages

What screams fall to you? Crisp autumn air…melt-in-your-mouth pumpkin muffins…fall-themed articulation reading passages? Yes, you read that right! If fall-themed articulation reading passages don’t make you think of fall, well my friend, you need to keep reading.

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summer articulation reading passages

My Favorite Summer Articulation Activities

If you are here, you are searching for some summer articulation activities. I am guessing you are an SLP who is working during the summer. But I suppose you might also be a parent looking for some activities to keep your child practicing through the summer. Either way, I think you will love these summer-themed articulation reading passages!

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This is a list of core vocabulary word examples for speech therapy

What Is Core Vocabulary?

Are you a parent looking for some strategies to help you work on speech and language skills at home? Or are you an SLP looking for early intervention resources to give to caregivers? Today I am going to teach you all about Core Vocabulary. But first, I need to answer the question: What Is Core Vocabulary?

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5 Easter Speech Therapy Activities to Do At Home

Easter Holiday + family time + fun activities = Speech therapy at home? Yes, you read that correctly! Today I want to share my 5 favorite Easter Egg-themed activities that you can use to target some speech therapy skills at home. Let me get you set up and then we can get to the fun part!

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