5 Easter Speech Therapy Activities to Do At Home

Easter Holiday + family time + fun activities = Speech therapy at home? Yes, you read that correctly! Today I want to share my 5 favorite Easter Egg-themed activities that you can use to target some speech therapy skills at home. Let me get you set up and then we can get to the fun part!

Easter speech therapy ideas and activities

You will need:

  • Boiled Eggs
  • Stuff to dye the eggs (we usually get a kit, but here is how you can do it with food dye)
  • Mayonnaise, mustard, or anything else you need to make your favorite boiled egg food

Before you get started with your toddler or preschooler, let’s think through each activity. Get your stuff set up and ready to grab so you aren’t wasting your child’s precious attention span running around the kitchen gathering your supplies. This principle is going to hold true for each of the Easter-themed speech therapy-inspired activities I will share with you today.

The secret to making any activity a speech therapy-type activity is being intentional with the words you use. This is going to vary depending on your child. When deciding what words to use with your child, I like to give parents two strategies to try and remember.

The first strategy is to try and only use 1-2 more words than your child currently uses. For example, if your child isn’t speaking try and only use 1-2 words when speaking to him or her. If your child usually speaks using 3-word phrases, then try and speak to him or her using 4-5 word phrases.

The second strategy is to speak using “functional” or “core” words. These are the words that make up the majority of any given language. Usually, they include words such as verbs, pronouns, location words, and some adjectives. Here is a list of a few of my favorite core words that would be great to focus on during these activities.

  • More
  • All Done/ Finished
  • Want
  • Go
  • Look
  • There
  • I
  • You
  • It
  • Se
  • Put

Easter Speech Therapy Activity #1: Dye the Eggs

Potential Speech Therapy Targets:

  • Following Directions
  • Vocabulary

We are all pretty familiar with the activity of dying Easter eggs. For this blog post, dying eggs is going to be our baseline activity. All of our other activities are going to build off of this one. But, before we get to those other activities, let me walk you through how to turn the activity of dying Easter eggs into a speech and language activity.

I always recommend parents let their kiddos help as much as possible. Once you get all of your supplies set up and ready, let your child jump in! Each time you do anything, make sure you are talking about it and labeling yours (or your child’s) actions. Remember, try and only use 1-2 more words than your child is currently using so that you aren’t overwhelming him/her with many new words s/he may not understand.

Once your eggs are decorated, you can move on to some of these other activities!

Easter Egg Speech Therapy Ideas for  Toddlers

Easter Speech Therapy Activity #2 Hide the Eggs:

Potential Speech Therapy Targets:

  • Location Words (on, in, under, by, etc.)
  •  Following Directions
  • Answering “where” questions

You’ve dyed your eggs, now you get to hide them! Want a quick mom hack? If you have more than one child, let them hide each other’s eggs! For us, that meant that my husband and son teamed up to hide eggs for my daughter. At the same time, my daughter and I hid the eggs for my son. This is a time-saver, and you get two times the opportunities to talk about location words! Also, if your child is focusing on where to hide the eggs, they won’t find it as easy to see where their eggs are hidden.

This easter egg activity is the best for practicing location words such as on, in, under, and by.  Read these next few paragraphs carefully, because they are important for helping you get the most out of your time!

There are two levels to this skill. The easier level is understanding. This is called receptive language. If your child is at this level, your child is working on following a direction that you give. For example, you could say “put the egg under that bush” or “put the egg on the swing”. Your child does not need to speak or answer questions at this level.

The more advanced level requires verbal output from your child. This requires your child to have an understanding of receptive language (understanding) and expressive language (verbal output). That means if you ask “Where is the egg?” your child is working on verbally answering “under the slide”.

Understanding this difference is important because it helps you provide the most customized experience for YOUR child. If your child isn’t at the more advanced level that is OK. Pushing your child to do more than s/he is ready for will only be frustrating for all of you. On the other hand, we always want to challenge our children to reach their full potential, so if you see your child is able to answer those more difficult questions-by all means ask them! Just test the waters and see what your child can do. Then, go from there.

If your child is not yet able to verbally answer the question “Where is the egg?”, you get to be the example for your child. You do this by labeling your actions and your child’s actions as you hide and find eggs. For example, “You put the egg in the pot”, or, “The egg is under the chair!”

Another mom tip- put your dogs inside while you do this activity! Otherwise, your dogs might end up eating your eggs before your child can find them! (Not that I am speaking from experience or anything…)

Easter speech therapy activities

Easter Egg Speech Therapy Activity #3: Humpty Dumpty

You Will Need:

  • Your dyed eggs
  • Somewhere for your eggs to fall (preferably outside)

Potential Speech Therapy Targets:

  • Teaching the verb “fall”
  • Rhyming Words

Nursery rhymes are an amazing way to practice language skills at home. The rhyming words make them catchy and can potentially help with literacy skills as your child gets older. Children also tend to be drawn to them because they are silly and fun. I happen to have a way to help you make the nursery rhyme “Humpty Dumpty” come to life!

How to Do It: Take your boiled eggs and pretend they are Humpty Dumpty. Find a high place such as a table, slide, or jungle gym for Humpty to fall off. Sing the nursery rhyme with your child. When it is time for Humpty to fall, let your child give the egg a push. Watch the egg fall and then examine it. Does the egg have cracks? Is it broken? What happened? Talk about it with your child!

Activity #4: Peel the Eggs

Now that Humpty is all cracked and broken, you can peel the eggs! This activity is self-explanatory, but I still wanted to include it, because I don’t want you to overlook it. Peeling eggs is great for working on those fine motor skills, and kids usually think it is pretty fun. To make it more speech therapy-based- just do the same things we have already talked about. Label your actions and your child’s actions as you peel the eggs. Explore new words together such as peel, slippery, crack, or squishy.

Activity #5: Make an Egg Snack

Let me start by saying use your discretion. If your eggs have been out in the sun all day, don’t feel like you need to do this. Yuck. But if you have some extra boiled eggs that have been chilling in the fridge, this is one more way you can sneak in a language-building activity!

I would suggest making something like deviled eggs or egg salad using those eggs. If you don’t have a recipe on hand a quick internet search can give you some ideas. As always, let your child help as much as possible and be intentional by talking about what you are doing.

I hope you have found some great Easter themed speech therapy activities to do at home with your toddler or preschooler! I also hope you are leaving feeling more confident and excited then when you landed on this page. If you are a caregiver trying to find new and interesting ways to work on speech therapy at home-you’ve got this!  

If you are looking for more fun speech therapy at home ideas from an SLP-Mom, I’ve got you covered! I have these handouts that go over easy to use, at-home strategies and I also have this playlist of YouTube videos. These are both great resources for parents looking to incorporate speech therapy strategies at home!

**Quick Disclaimer: The ideas shared in this post are meant to educate and help caregivers feel more confident implementing speech therapy-type activities at home. They are not intended to be a substitute for speech therapy with a licensed SLP, as each child has unique needs.**

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