Were my students engaged today? Was their time with me helpful? Or did I just waste everyone’s time?
As I sit at my desk and reflect on the session that just finished, I like to think the answer is, yes. Of course, we all have those days when we are tired or we are distracted by our personal lives. This is normal. But I do strive for efficiency.
We are constantly planning activities. Trying to find the perfect fit for a student or a mixed group. This is challenging. We want to use our session time wisely. We want to get as many repetitions in as possible. We want every student to glean something from that session.
When I need an efficient lesson that works on multiple skills at once, I love to use my articulation reading passages. I created them to be loaded with target phonemes for our articulation students. But I also intentionally added tier 2 vocabulary words and wrote on informative topics. These are beneficial to all students, but especially our language students.
And because I know repetition is they to progress, I also added scaffolded and structured prompts on the right-hand side of the page. These prompts are perfect to guide your sessions, but also to guide parents at home.

First, I like to do the articulation reading passages together in my speech room. Then, I will send the passage we worked on home, so the student can do it for homework. These reading passages can be used at all levels, but are particularly helpful for students who are working on their sounds at the reading level or conversation level.